Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

2024 04 13

202404 Tang Lodge Stated Meeting

On April 13, 2024, Tang Lodge had a large number of guests attending the stated meeting. MW Sir Arthur, WM John, along with the brothers from SZ Lodge, WM James from Sun-Moon lodge, and  brother Lenny from New York Lodge, as well as three brothers from the Friendship Lodge in Japan, visited.

During the dinner, Tang Lodge presented commemorative gifts to the visiting guests, including custom-made life-mark cups as souvenirs. The evening was filled with joy and went smoothly.

At the banquet, MW Arthur sponsored several bottles of premium whisky, Tang  Lodge WM sponsored several bottles of gold label whisky, Brother Wenjian from Tang Lodge sponsored 5 bottles of premium red wine, W.Bro. Mark Wang from Tang Lodge sponsored a limited edition bottle of Black Gold Dragon sorghum liquor, and Brother Xiang-Jun specially sponsored 6 bottles of Japanese sake.

Three brothers from the Friendship AI Lodge in Japan, visited.

MW Arthur Chen presented a letter of appointment to W.Brother Kenny Yang ,who is assigned to be the Grand representive of Grand  Lodge of Japan.

2024/04/13唐廬4月份例會外賓訪客眾多,總會長Arthur/ 川廬會長John與川廬兄弟/明廬會長James,來自紐約的兄弟Lenny/來自日本友愛廬三位兄弟蒞臨訪問,

晚宴唐廬並致贈與會外賓,本廬製作美生馬克杯禮品留念。 當晚賓主盡歡,圓滿順利。

當日餐會 總會長贊助高級whisky數瓶,唐廬會長贊助金牌whisky數瓶,唐廬文堅兄弟贊助高級紅酒5瓶,唐廬懋光尚兄贊助限量黑金龍高粱一瓶,相均兄弟特別贊助6瓶日本清酒。

照片說明:總會長Arthur/ 川廬會長John與川廬兄弟/明廬會長James,來自紐約的兄弟Lenny/來自日本友愛廬三位兄弟蒞臨訪問

照片說明:總會長Arthur頒發派駐日本總會聘書 給楊凱成誼兄    來自日本友愛廬三位兄弟蒞臨訪問,並致贈紀念品
