Grand Lodge of China
Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.
Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.
The 24th Grand Master M.W. Brother
C.L. Yang (1991-1993)
M.W. Yang was born in Kiangsu, China, July 22, 1923.
He attended St. John’s Alumni High School and then Soochow University Law School in Shanghai. After the war with Japan broke out, he left Shanghai and went to Kweilin, Kuangsi Province and the Chungking, Szechwan to continue his college education. In his junior and senior years of college, he joined the Chinese Army’s Expedition Task Force serving as field interpreter with U.S. artillery personnel till the end of the war.
He then joined the Board of Supplies of the Executive Yuan in Shanghai after the war and one year later was promoted to serve as the special assistant to the Director-General. During the period of 1950 through 1968 he worked in various government organizations such as the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Central Trust of China, Industrial Development Commission, BES Engineering Corporation, etc. in late 1968, He was assigned to open up ROC’S first Economic Counsellor Office in ROC’S embassy in Mexico City. When ROC and Mexico broke diplomatic relations in 1972, he returned to Taipei and joined the newly established China External Trade Development Council (CETDC) as the director of its Administration Department and the Market Development Department. In 1975 he was sent by CETDC to open a branch office in New York City. When the ROC-USA Economic Council was set up by the leading business firm in Taiwan, he was invited to take up the position as its Deputy Secretary-General. Five years later he was promoted to be the Secretary-General and stayed in the job for ten years and now continued to serve the council as adviser.
His wife unfortunately passed away in 1967. He has two sons and on daughter.
楊傳齡尊兄1923 年 7 月 22 日出生於中國江蘇省。
他先後就讀於上海聖約翰大學附屬高中和上海東吳大學法學院。 抗日戰爭爆發後,他離開上海,到桂林、四川重慶繼續大學學業。 在大三和大四期間,他加入了中國軍隊的遠征特遣部隊,與擔任美國砲兵戰地翻譯,直到戰爭結束。
戰後在上海加入行政院供給部(Board of Supplies),一年後晉升為總幹事特別助理。 1950年至1968年間,先後在經濟部、中央信託局、工業發展委員會、中華工程股份有限公司等多個政府機構工作。1968年底,受命開闢中華民國駐墨西哥城大使館辦公室第一任經濟參贊辦公室。 1972年中華民國與墨西哥斷交後,他回到台北,加入新成立的中華民國對外貿易發展協會(CETDC),擔任行政部(Administration Department)主任和市場發展部主任。 1975年受外貿易發展協會(CETDC)派往紐約市開設分公司。中美經濟合作策進會成立時,他受邀出任副秘書長。 五年後晉升為秘書長,任期十年,後繼續擔任理事會顧問。