Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

1961 韋煥章 William
Past Grand Master William H. T. Wei

1961-62 MW
William H. T. Wei



William H. T. Wei

The 8th Grand Master M.W. Brother i (1961-1962)

Our M.W. Grand Master, affectionately called “Uncle Willie” when proper titles are not demand, was born in the Chung Shan District of Kwangtung Province in Oct 1892 to a family which had already been esteemed and renowned in international trade circles for several generations because of their pioneering work in the merchandising of tea. Quite naturally, he became an early student of the intricacies of this historically fascinating profession; however, he soon began his principle studies in a very rigid classical training, receiving a thorough indoctrination in the Chinese classics, history and literature from MR Shu Yu Seng before entering St John’s University, Shanghai. His formal education culminated with a year in the Graduate School of Economics under Professor Charles T. Remer after receipt of his BA in 1914.

During his scholastic years he achieved distinction in sports as well as in academic fields (a gold medalist in English oratory); he was track and field specialist, winning champion titles in the running high-jump, the high hurdles and sprints in open competition in Shanghai, a tennis champion and a fast soccer player. He participated in the First Far Eastern Olympics held in Manila in 1913 and won gold medals in both the high jump and high hurdles events.

Upon completion of his college work he became a sport writer for two years and taught English for one year at St John’s University Senior High School. In 1918 He married with Miss Sieu-Ling Zung, after graduation from St Mary’s Hall, Shanghai in 1915 at the head of her class and devoting the intervening years to her major work, piano-forte. She later became piano-forte teacher at her alma mater and at the McTyire High School for Girls. They have one daughter, Delia Zung-Fung Wei, who is married to Dr. Y.C. Koo ()PhD Harvard and presently Professor of Economics at Michigan State University) and has given them 3 grand-daughters but who has not let the role of wife and mother deter her from pursuit of the active example set by her father and our Grand Master as witness her BA (cum laude) on 1941 from St John’s University, an NA and PhD in English philology from Radcliffe in 1946 and an MA in calculus from Michigan State University in 1955.

Gaining early recognition as an expert in the field of shipping and water transportation, GM Wei has been employed in high executive capacities by Chinese, American and British firms and associations for the last 40 years by those desiring to take advantage of the knowledge and experience of the foremost authority in China and Taiwan. He has served with : China Navigation Co Ltd in Hankow, China Merchants Steamship Navigation Co Ltd in Shanghai and Taiwan; William Hunt Corporation in HK, Min Sung Industrial Co Ltd in Shanghai, Chungking China Development and Finance Corp in Shanghai; United Maritime Trust Ltd in Taipei; Taiwan Navigation Co led, Taipei; China Marine Surveyor & Sworn Measurer Corp., Taipei, and the Taiwan Trading Corporation Fed. Inc., USA in Taipei. Honorary posts which he has held or still holds are even more numerous: Director and Secretary General of the National Shipping Administration in Nanking and Shanghai; Member of the Port Authority, the Port of Shanghai; Director and Secretary General of the National Shipping Readjustment Commission in Shanghai; Member, Liquid Fuel Commission, Shanghai; Chairman, Shipping Committee, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hankou; Board Chairman, China Merchants Steamship Navigation Co Ltd; Convenor, Tariff Commission (Water Transport), Ministry of Communications, Taiwan; Founder and Chairman, China Marine Surveyor & Sworn Measure’s Association & Corp; Executive Director and chapter Member, China Corp Register of Shipping (equivalent to British Lloyds or American Bureau of Shipping) in Taiwan; Honorary Director of the Chinese National Ship-owners’ Association in Taiwan; Chairman, Overseas Joint Shipping Service, Taiwan; Advisor, Ministry of National Defense; Chief Delegate to the International Convention.

As is apparent from these listing, the MW Grand Master has rendered some notable services to his country, e.g. co-sponsoring the first Chinese marine survey measurers and ship surveys for the benefit of business and Government in Free China, but some not so apparent are: his skillful handling of the transfer of over 400,000 DW tons of ships from the USA after WWII as part of the rehabilitation of Chinese shipping; he accomplishments in the WWII capital of Chungking where he handled difficult supplies and shipbuilding matters; he planning which prevented more than 350,000 tons of shipping from into Communist hands as well as his responsible role in the evacuation of large numbers of civilians, technicians and other personnel to Taiwan during the Communist onslaught on Mainland in 1949; his general assistance to Chinese shipping in general during the depressing months of 1949, 1950 and his restoration of shipping relations between Free China and Japan.

Grand Master Wei entered Masonry in Chungking in the Fortitude Lodge (UD) under the California Constitution in 1944, later affiliating with West Lake No 113 and Sun Lodge No 114, both under the Constitution of Philippines in Shanghai. He became a charter member of Liberty Lodge (UD) under the China Constitution when Masonry was formally established in Taiwan and when Amity Lodge No 1 was reactivated on Taiwan he became affiliated. Serving his apprenticeship in the form of appointive posts on other lodges, MW served full terms of JW, SW and Master of Amity and its generally recognized that he was primarily instrumental in laying the strong foundation for the present organization that is Amity No 1.

Subsequently, in the Grand Lodge of China, MW received what he has described as his richest Masonic experience to date. After serving as Junior Grand Deacon, Grand Treasurer and Junior Grand Warden, the premature and sudden passing of MW David W.K. Au (First Past Grand Master) resulted in MW Wei being drafted to act as Honorary Grand Secretary. As least all Master Masons can imagine, that is the most difficult and thankless job in Blue Lodge Masonry, when a normal tradition of personnel transpires,. Without detailing the many unusual aspects of this change, Taiwan Masonry owes our GM a large debt of gratitude for the cheerful and dogged manner in which he applied himself to the task and for the exemplary manner in which he established order at home and normal relations abroad, a debt only partially recognized by the Grand Lodge resolution commending his work during this period and the special memento presented to him.

Scottish Rite Freemasonry beckoned to our GM in 1955 when he join the Tokyo Bodies and he later became a charter of the Taipei Bodies A&ASR, SJ USA, serving in the various bodies as Orator, Marshall of Ceremonies and Master of Kadosh for 2 Consecutive years. He received the Knight Commander Court of Honor (KCCH) IN 1959 and he served as Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council of A&ASR, SJ USA, for more than two years.

In Shrinedom, MW Wei is a member of Afifi and Islam Temple. As the President of the Alisan Oasis Shrine Club in Taipei, he introduced the measures to provide for the more direct and effective treatment of crippled children. A portable clinic under the direction of our experienced and eminently qualified Noble T.F. Chang, PM of Sun Lodge No 6 and the administrative head of the Center Clinic, was established so that since this innovation more than 100 crippled children have received care and treatment and the dedication pf the Shriners’ has been wonderfully demonstrated.

Our Grand Master is a charter member of Yangmingshan Chapter No 5 of the Order of the Eastern Star and should you need further proof of the variety of his activates and his amazing vitality you might note that between the ages of 35 and 40 he developed a high standard of horsemanship, becoming an accomplished polo player and a smart hunter.

MW is a devoted Christian who has served many terms as a member of the Vestry of the local Episcopal Church, who has rendered materials service in the building if St John’s Episcopal Church in Taipei and who is now a lay reader in the Church’s English service. He is, also, an appointed member of the Council of Advice of the Episcopal Church in Taiwan.

At his present age of 70 he continues to be a leader in all Masonic activates and spurs those of a much younger age to increased participation through the example he sets. As his present eminence in Masonry reveals his efforts have been recognized and so, too, have his community services been acknowledged for in the past 20 years he has received 4 separate decorations and citation from the Chinese Government.

1961 韋煥章 William

William H. T. Wei

1961-62 PGM, GLOC


第8屆總會長  韋煥章尊兄

韋煥章尊兄在不需要稱呼職銜時,被親切地稱為“威利叔叔”。1892年10月韋煥章尊兄出生於廣東省中山區的一個幾代人都在經營國際貿易的家庭,他們在茶葉銷售方面的開創性工作享有盛譽。很自然地,他成為了這個具有歷史意義的錯綜複雜的職業的早期學生。然而,他很快就在非常嚴格的古典訓練中開始了他的主要學習,在進入上海聖約翰大學之前,他接受了Shu Yu Seng先生對中國經典、歷史和文學的徹底灌輸。 1914 年獲得學士學位後,他在經濟研究院接受了一年的查爾斯·T·雷默教授的正規教育。

在他的學術生涯中,他在體育和學術領域都取得了優異的成績(英語演講金牌得主)。他是田徑專家,在上海公開賽中獲得過跳高、跨欄和短跑冠軍,網球冠軍和快速足球運動員。他參加了 1913 年在馬尼拉舉行的第一屆遠東奧運會,這是中國首次參加規模較大的國際性比賽,韋煥章獲110米高欄和跳高冠軍,成績分別為18秒和5英尺5又8分之3英寸,時隔101年之後,劉翔在雅典獲得110米欄的金牌。 (曾任外交部長並被稱為中國奧運之父的王正廷,也是中國美生總會誼廬的兄弟)。

完成大學工作後,他成為了兩年的體育作家,並在聖約翰大學*附屬高中教了一年的英語。 1918年,他與程修齡小姐*結婚,。程修齡小姐1915年從上海聖瑪麗堂畢業後,在班上擔任班長,並將其間的歲月奉獻給她的主要工作,鋼琴強項。 她後來成為母校和是上海私立中西女中的鋼琴強教師。 他們有一個女兒,Delia Zung-Fung Wei,她嫁給了顧應昌*博士,並給了他們 3 個孫女,但她並沒有讓妻子和母親的角色阻止她追求她父親和我們的大師樹立的積極榜樣 見證她 1941 年在聖約翰大學獲得學士學位(優等生),1946 年在拉克利夫獲得 英國語文學的博士學位,並於 1955 年獲得密西根州立大學的微積分碩士學位。

*聖約翰大學,是19世紀末到20世紀初中葉,美國聖公會在中國上海創辦的一所高等教育學府,是在華辦學時間最長的一所教會學校,被稱為「東方哈佛」。1952年9月被中華人民共和國政府解散。 地址: 中國上海市浦東新區豐海路148號。

*(譯者補述)程修齡女士是中國第一位女律師,也是中國第一個派往聯合國的女大使。出生於上海,父母富有。她就讀中西女中,1934年獲東吳大學法學院法學學位,赴美深造,1938年獲巴納德學院學士學位,1939年獲哥倫比亞大學碩士學位,並於 1942 年在紐約大學獲得博士學位 ( JSD ) ,論文題目是“Belligerent interference with mails on neutral ships and aircraft”。

程修齡女士在她的母校中西女中教了九年數學。1936 年至 1946 年,她常駐美國,擔任過各種私人和政府職位,包括二戰期間的戰略服務辦公室。程修齡女士寫了一部喜劇,《太多了》 (1939),並與京劇藝術家梅蘭芳合著,《中國戲劇的秘密:中國戲劇表演中的動作和符號的完整解釋指南》 (1937, 1964) 。1942 年,她是米爾斯學院的客座講師,並在一次會議上發言加利福尼亞州薩克拉門託市的AAUW成員討論“中國婦女的法律地位,舊與新” 。1943 年,她在南加州的一個YWCA小組發表了類似的演講。1946 年程修齡女士回到上海,在那裡恢復了律師執業。曾任蘇州大學法學院教授。1948年和1949年,她擔任聯合國婦女地位委員會的代表。1949年中國共產黨阻止她返回上海,因此她定居在紐約市。1950 年,她在俄亥俄州的邁阿密大學教授政府課程。她繼續在美國學習、教學、寫作、表演和演講,直到 1970 年代。1978 年夏天,她仍在旅行和活躍,1992她住在曼哈頓的一所公寓樓不久後去世。

*顧應昌(Anthony Y. C. Koo,1918年11月22日—2011年6月6日),經濟學家。



作為航運和水路運輸領域的專家,韋煥章尊兄在過去 40 年中被中國、美國和英國的公司和協會聘用為高級管理人員,這些人希望利用他航運和水運領域的知識和經驗。中國大陸和台灣的最高權威。他曾任職於:漢口中航有限公司、上海及台灣招商輪船有限公司;香港William Hunt Corporation、上海Min Sung Industrial Co Ltd、上海重慶中國發展金融公司;台北聯合海事信託有限公司;台灣航海公司,台北;中國海洋服務與宣誓測量公司,台北和台灣貿易公司聯儲。 Inc.,美國在台北。曾任或仍在任的榮譽職務更多:南京、上海內托納斯爾航運管理局局長兼秘書長;上海市港務局港務局成員;上海國家航運調整委員會主任兼秘書長;上海液體燃料委員會委員;漢口中華總商會航運委員會超文;招商局輪船航運有限公司董事長;台灣交通部關稅委員會(水路運輸)召集人;中國海事測量師公測協會創始人兼會長;台灣中國船級社(相當於英國勞埃德或美國船級社)執行董事及遮打會員;台灣中華全國船東協會名譽理事;台灣海外聯運會主席;國防部顧問;國際公約的首席代表。

從這些列表中可以明顯看出,韋煥章尊兄為國家提供了一些顯著的服務,例如。為自由中國的企業和政府共同贊助了首批中國海洋測量測量員和船舶檢驗,但其中一些不太明顯的是:他熟練地處理了二戰後從美國轉運超過 400,000 載重噸的船舶作為一部分中國航運業的復興;他在二戰首都重慶取得了成就,在那裡他處理了困難的物資和造船事務;在 1949 年共產黨進攻大陸期間,他的計劃阻止了超過 350,000 噸的貨物落入共產黨手中,以及他在將大量文職人員、技術人員和其他人員疏散到台灣方面的責任;在 1949 年和 1950 年令人沮喪的幾個月裡,他對中國航運的總體援助,並恢復了自由中國和日本之間的航運關係。

韋煥章尊兄於 1944 年根據加利福尼亞州憲章加入重慶市的加州美生總會轄下特許分會堅廬,隨後加入上海菲律賓美生總會轄下的113 號分會杭廬和114號分會申廬。 當美生會在台灣正式成立時,他成為中國美生總會轄下特許分會自由廬的成員,並於中國美生總會第一分會誼廬復會後聯籍。韋煥章尊兄在其他分會擔任派任職員,但是在第一分會誼廬擔任副會監、會監和會長的全部任期,人們普遍認為,他主要為第一分會誼廬的持久組織奠定了堅實的基礎。


1955 年韋煥章尊兄加入東京慈修會,後來成為台北慈修會的一員。他在擔任過司講、司儀和的二分會會長 2 年。他於 1959 年獲頒美南慈修總會榮譽Knight Commander of Court of Honor級位 (KCCH),並擔任美國美南慈修總會總指揮官個人代表助理兩年多。

在慈壇社,韋煥章尊兄是阿菲菲慈壇社及台北阿里山慈壇社(Taipei Alishan Shrine Club)會員,他介紹了為身障兒童提供更直接有效治療的措施。在我們經驗豐富且資質卓越的慈壇社會員台北市中心診所醫院張院長祖棻先生指導下的便攜式診所的成立,使得自從這項創新以來,100 多名身障兒童得到了照顧和治療,並精彩地展示了慈壇社的奉獻精神。

韋煥章尊兄是東方之星陽明山第五分會的創始成員,如果您需要進一步證明他的活動多樣性和驚人的活力,您可能會注意到他在 35 至 40 歲之間發展了一個高水平的馬術的標準,成為一個有成就的馬球運動員和一個聰明的獵人。


他在 70 歲擔任總會長的時候,仍然是所有美生會活動的領導者,並通過他樹立的榜樣激勵年輕得多的人更積極地參與。正如他目前在美生會中的傑出表現所表明的那樣,他的努力得到了認可,因此,他的社區服務也得到了認可,在過去的 20 年中,他獲得了 4 次政府的勳章和嘉獎。