Grand Lodge of China


GLOC Blue Lodge

Sun Lodge NO.6

第六分會 申廬

Under the Jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of China 中國美生總會

Meeting Time:
Every 1st FRI  PM 18:00 Of The Month


Worshipful Master

WM. Gary Chen


W. Peter Chang

Originally chartered on January 26th,1939 as Sun Lodge No.114 P.C.(Philippines Constitution) in Shanghai,China. Sun Lodge is the one of six lodges to establish the Grand Lodge of China in Shanghai on March 18th,1949, then Sun Lodge was transferred and re-chartered with his original name but were re-numbered as Sun Lodge No.6 under G.L.O.C. When the Communist Government came to power, the Grand Lodge of China had ceased to function in Shanghai by 1952, and decided to declare darkness had fallen upon the G.L.O.C. The Grand Lodge of China was reactivated in Taiwan in 1955, then Sun Lodge reactivated in Taipei, Taiwan on July 27,1956.


申廬(Sun Lodge No.6):1939年1月26日始建於上海,當時爲菲律賓美生總會轄下之第114分會,創會成員均為當年海外留學歸國的青年,對國家充滿著熱情與抱負;在1949年3月18日,與另五個分會共同成立中國美生總會,並改爲中國美生總會第6分會,後因共產黨禁止兄弟會活動,申廬在1951年進入黑暗期,停止開會;直到1956年7月27日正式在台北復會。申廬會員出過不少社會賢達,為國家社會做出不少貢獻;其中包含慶齡基金會的嚴慶齡先生、名建築師虞曰鎮先生、黨政聞人鄭彥棻先生等等,都是當代的海歸學人與社會菁英。

Grand Visitation on 20240105

Grand Installation on 20230912.

Visited Sis.lodge Micado Lodge GLO Japan at Kyoto on 20230322.



Yang-Ming Mountain

Fellowship Dinner after Sun Lodge 690th stated meeting on Friday, January 7th, 2022.

22th, Jan ,2022

Year END Party

Salute to Senior

60 years Master Masons

Certificate presentation,
to R.W. Samson Hsin,
Sun Lodge Senior Brother,
Past Deputy Grand Master.