Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

Feature Article

GLOC Grand Representative Bro Joey Hsu's Masonic Journey

Brother Joey Hsu represented Grand Lodge of China to ateend the 60th Anniversity Ceremony, gifted and took picture with Grand Master MW Joel A. Encarnacion, DGM RW Earl Smith, SGW RW Yutaka Yagi of the Grand Lodge of Japan and WM and brethren of Teikoku Lodge. 20240217, 許州億兄弟代表出席日本總會沖繩帝國廬#19成立60周年紀念會, 贈禮並與日本總會長, 副總會長, 總會監和帝國廬會長和兄弟們合影

Bro Joey Visited Teikoku Lodge of GLOJ on FEB 17, 2024.