Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.


OF GLOC Arthur C.

MWBs, RWBs, brothers and distinguished guests,

I wish to express my deep gratitude, for the great honor that you just be’stowed upon me. This is the highest honor, which this Grand Jurisdiction can confer and which any Mason can ever aspire to attain.


I truly feel that I am unqualified for the seat, which has been occupied by so many distinguished PGMs. It is my fervent hope that the PGMs will continue to counsel and guide me, as you have done this before, and all the Grand Officers and brethren, to give me your full support, to enable me to carry out the duties of this office.


I want to express my gratitude to PGM MWB Norman Pin and PGM MWB Dennis Liao who installed Grand Officers 2023.

I want to give a special thanks to MWB Joel Encarmacion, GM of Masons in Japan, and his Grand Officers RWB Earl Smith-DGM, RWB Yutaka Yagi- SGW, PGM MWB Shinya Takeda and brothers. For your official visitation in our Communication today. It is a great honor to our Grand Lodge, and we hope that we will be able to visit you, during the Annual Communication, of your Most Worshipful Grand Lodge next year.


I also want to express my appreciation for the presence of VWB Oliver Ko, representative of the GM of the MW Grand Lodge of Philippines, also brother Chun Lin Kuo(郭俊麟), proxy of the GM of the Grand Lodge of Saint Paulo to bring us your Grand Lodge’s congratulates. Please bring back our best wishes to your GMs and all brethren. May we have more and more mutual communication between both lodges! Thanks for all ladies and distinguished quest attend our ANCOM. Please join us with our ANCOM banquet tonight at G house Taipei.

May blessing of the GATOU rest upon all of us! May peace and harmony prevail to the whole world, especially this Grand Jurisdiction! Thank you and thank you all!


特別感謝日本美生總會總會長Joel Encarmacion尊兄、副總會長Earl Smith尚兄、Yutaka Yagi總會監尚兄、副總會監Kenzo Hirata尚兄、和前總會長Shinya Takeda尊兄以及兄弟們,在我們今天的年會上的正式來訪。本總會感到非常榮幸,我們希望能夠在明年的日本美生總會年會期間拜訪您。
我還要對菲律賓美生總會長的代表V.W.B. Oliver Ko、聖保羅美生總會總會長代表W.B. Chun Lin Kuo(郭俊麟)和土耳其總會代表賴彥男誼兄帶來貴總會的道賀,也請你們帶回我們的祝福,希望貴我雙方能在未來有更多交往。謝謝所有女士和貴賓參加我們的年會,請一同參加今晚我們在鉅星匯國際宴會廳的年會晚宴。


GLOC-70th ANN COM-78