Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

MW Dennis Visiter Sydney 20230526-01
Feature Article

MW. Dennis Liao's Visit to the Sydney Masonic Center.

MW. Dennis Liao visited the Sydney Masonic Center of Freemasons NSW & ACT on May 26th, 2023.
20230526,廖前總會長拜訪澳洲雪梨美生總會會堂(Sydney Masonic Center) 和老朋友;資深助理總司書 RW Chris Craven 和與廖前總會長同年度擔任總會長的 MW Jamie Melville 敘舊。

MW Dennis Liao visited the Sydney Masonic Center to catch up with Assistant Grand Secretary RW Chris Craven and Past Grand Master MW Jamie Melville, who served as Grand Master during the same time as MW Dennis.