Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

The Square & Compass Voice Chapter 01

By MW Arthur Chen 

總會長 陳怡成尊兄 2025-02-10


There is a passage from the 32nd degree of Scottish Rite:

“Alas! Too many who do so learn little or nothing on the way. Most men value only their material interests or the flattery of exaulted titles, and few care to learn the lessons taught by the symbols of Masonry.

Some join Freemasonry out of idle curiosity, some because it may profit them in their business affairs or secure them aid in distress. Others seek to learn our supposed mysteries or to acquire the titles, decorations, and distinctions Masonry confers.

Many are satisfied with Masonic rites or Degrees that are but shadows and teach nothing of value. Few care for the great truths of Masonic philosophy or become interested in the study of its ancient symbols. Do you care for these truths?”

Quoted by Francis Bacon : ” To pursue the truth, to know the truth, but to rely on the truth, which is the highest moral character in human nature.” The Electronic Library has been post on the Grand Lodge web-site, we encourage all brothers to visit.

May the WM, PM and senior brothers can help to arrange ad promote Masonic Education at your stated meeting, and help brothers to explore the principles and tenets of Masonic philosophy, so that the brethren may gain more real benefits in our Fraternity.





