Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

MW Dennis Liao 前總會長廖正方尊兄
Past Grand Master Dennis

About 2016-18
MW Dennis liao

Greeting from

Dennis Liao

Dear Friends,

Fraternal greetings and warm welcome to the Homepage of Grand Lodge of Free and Accept Masons China (which is now based in Taiwan).

Hopefully this website will give you some idea about Freemasonry in general, and particularly the way it works in Taiwan.

On this site you will learn about the general introduction of Freemasonry and the development of Freemasonry in China. For the convenience of Masons coming from afar who would like to join our meetings, the site features a list of meeting schedules of the constituent lodges and other organizations working under the Grand Lodge of China. For those of you who are curious about Masonry, Freemasonry has been incorrectly deemed as a “secret organization” for a long time whereas in fact we are quite open to the public.

I encourage you to discover more “secrets” by paying a visit to our temple and meeting our members. If you are not satisfied with the information on site, you can leave your questions or comments under “Contact Us” and we shall try our best to answer you.

Freemasonry endeavors to make good men better through the basic tenets of brotherly love, truth, and relief. There are over six million Masons worldwide who share this belief. As our motto says: “Within four seas all are brothers!” So enjoy your virtual tour and join us for the journey of discovering the goodness within yourself!

Sincerely yours,

Dennis Liao

Most Worshipful Grand Master 2016-18

Grand Lodge of China

2017 GLOJ

Visits to Grand Lodge of Japan. 2017

2018 GLOJ

Visits to Grand Lodge of Japan.

2017 GLOP

Visits to Grand Lodge of Philipine.

2018 GLOP

Visits to Grand Lodge of Philipine.

UGLE 300 years


GLNF & Syndy

GLNF & Syndy Masonic Center

FMV Victoria

2018 04




OF GLOC Dennis L.

Most W. Grand Master Dennis Liao

Most Worshipful Sirs,  Right Worshipful Sirs, Very Worshipful Sirs, Very Reverend Sirs, Worshipful Sirs, brethren, sisters and guests,
First of all, I thank all brethren for your trust and support in electing me to this time-honored position. Honestly it came a bit sooner than I have expected.
Many have asked me if I am ready. My answer would be that I am not ready, but I can never be better prepared than now.
I have served as Deputy Grand Master for three years, and kind of get used to hiding under the shelter of the Grand Master.
It is about time to leave the comfort zone to take the challenges.
My predecessors, the many Past Grand Masters have laid down a good foundation for our Craft. What they have accomplished are certainly big shoes for me to fit.
Therefore, I will go down to the very basics, the three principal tenets of Freemasonry: brotherly love, truth and relief which are what make a good man.
I also want to stress the importance of peace and harmony within our fraternity. Even real family members would have disagreements sometimes, so it is inevitable that there would be disputes among Masonic brethren.
However, we should let go of private piques and make peace with our brethren. We join Masonry for its unique experience and to have fun. Let’s put aside our differences and enjoy Masonry together.
At the Grand Communication earlier today, we discussed a lot about the power of the Grand Master.
To me, the Grand Master is only a chief among equals. If he is granted any power, it is the privilege to lead by example, to be the one to show what should be done. For that, I invite all to review our rituals and lectures,
and reflect on ourselves. Keep those great teachings in mind, practice them at home and our daily life and live like a Mason.
One year is really too short to change the world or even the Grand Lodge of China, but it is more than enough time to change ourselves for better.
Let us take home with what we have learned at APMCC, work from within and be a better man.
We will then have a better Grand Lodge, a better community, a better country and eventually a better world.
With all your blessings and supports, I am confident to take on the important duties as Grand Master! 
Thank you!

Dennis Liao

The 46th Grand Master M.W. Brother

Biography of M. W. Dennis Liao
Date and Place of Birth: Born in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Republic of China on June 13, 1965.
Family: Married to Christine Lee for 24 years with one daughter Nini (23) and two sons Charlie (21) and Sean (18).

MBA, Boston University, MA, USA
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng- Kung University, Taiwan
President, Sun Shell Real Estate Development Inc.

Masonic Credentials:
Symbolic Lodge:
Raised in Harmony Lodge No. 10, Grand Lodge of China on 10 February, 1999
Worshipful Master 2003 – 2004, Harmony Lodge No. 10, Grand Lodge of China

Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of China:
Grand Marshall 2004-05, 2005-06 Senior Grand Steward 2006-2007 Junior Grand Warden 2011-12, 2012-13
Deputy Grand Master 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16
Grand Master 2016-2017, 2017-2018

Scottish Rite Freemasonry:
Conferred 32nd degree on 24 September, 2005, Taipei Bodies, A. & A. S.R., Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A
Venerable Master of Taipei Bodies 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Invested Knight Commander of Court of Honor (KCCH) on 31 December, 2011
Coroneted Inspector General Honorary (IGH) 33° on 25 August, 2015


1965 年 6 月 13 日生於台灣桃園。與李麗娟小姐結縭 24 年, 育有一女家宜 (23 歲 ) 及二子家立 (21 歲 )、家翔 (18 歲 )

學歷 : 美國波士頓大學企管研究所碩士、國立成功大學機械工程學系畢

現任 : 三秀建設有限公司 總經理
美生資歷 :
分會 :
1999 年 2 月 10 日提昇於中國美生總會第十分會融廬
擔任中國美生總會第十分會融廬 2003 – 2004 年度會長中國美生總會 :
總司禮 2004-05, 2005-06
總司事 2006-2007
副總會監 2011-12, 2012-13
副總會長 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16
總會長 2016-2017, 2017-2018
慈修會 :
2005 年 9 月 24 日於美南美生慈修會中國分會獲頒 32
擔任美南美生慈修會中國分會 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,
2016 年度會長
2011 年 12 月 31 日獲頒 32 級法治榮譽騎士長 (KCCH)
2015 年 8 月 25 日獲頒 33 級榮譽督察長 (IGH)


Grand Master Dennis Retrospective Film

2016-18 年度 中國美生總會廖前總會長- 回顧影片

The video was recorded in Chinese version.*