Grand Lodge of China


Travel back in time through the history of Grand Lodge of China: from Chin Dynasty era to Taiwan in 1949.

1959-60 郭克悌 Keh-Ti Kwo
Past Grand Master David WK Au

1959-60 MW
Keh-Ti Kwo



Keh-Ti Kwo

The 6th Grand Master M.W. Brother

M.W. Brother Keh-Ti Kwo, the sixth Grand Master of Masons in China, was born February 2nd 1893 in Honan China, first son of MR and Mrs Kwo Chuan Sen.


A government scholarship sent our GM to Purdue University, where he graduated in 1924 as a Bachelor of Science.


GM Kwo was married in June 19 1926 to Frances Meo-dej Chang of Tientsin. Sister Frances is a graduate of Morningside Coolidge USA. She is a educator, a professor of Foreign language at the National Taiwan University; Past President of the Peiping and Mukden YMCA. She is currently services as President of the Taipei YMCA, and board chairman of Hua Kwang Child-welfare Center Bro K.T. and Sister Frances are the parents of two sons, William, presently at Post Graduate work in M.I.T. Cambridge, and David, as undergraduate in Kansas City.


The GM is member of the Grace Baptist Church of Taipei.

Following his graduation from Purdue University Brother K.T. Kwo served for two years with the General Electric Co. at Schenectady.


On his return to China, he served as Chief Engineer for the First Special Area of Tientsin Municipal Government, followed by a term of the years as Manager of the Chinese Engineering and Development Co in Mukden and Dhanghai. In 1933 he was made Vice President of the Yao Ling Electric Power and Light Co., Kunming, Yunnan, in which capacity he served for seven years.


In 1945 Bro Kwo was called by the Central Government to take over the North China Electric Power Co., and to serve as its first President. In 1945 he was appointed as Director General of the Manchurian Electric Power Administration, and currently, he was made a member of the Liaoning Provincial Government, and, Commissioner of Reconstruction.


The year 1949, found MW Bro K.T. Kwo in Taiwan, where he was appointed to serve as the Board Chairman of the Government owned Taiwan Industrial and Mining Corp., at which post, he served for five years. For the past seven years he has served as a member if the Mainland Recovery Planning Commission of the Central Government. At the present time GM Kwo is the professor of Water Engineering at the NTU. He has held this office since 1955.


In addition to the many demands of his vocational duties throughout the years, Brother Kwo has still found time to become: A member of the Rotary Clubs in Shanghai, Mukden, Kunming and Peiping ; Past President of the Rotary Club of Taipei, 1951-1952; Administrative Advisor of Rotary International to all Clubs in China, HK and Macau, 1953-1959. He has served as Vive President of the China Red Cross Society, Taiwan Chapter since 1953; and is Past President of the China Institute of Engineers, Taiwan Branch, 1951.


For distinguished services to his country, MW Bro K.T. Kwo was decorated by the Government of the Republic of China, with the “Order of the Brilliant Star”


Our GM Masonic record began in 1936 when he received the degree of Symbolic Masonry in Amity Lodge No 106 at Shanghai, China, Philippine Constitution (Charted March 18 1949 as Amity Lodge No 1, G.L.F.&A. M. of China): A charter member and Past Master of Liberty Lodge No 7. Bro Kwo is also a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Taipei Consistory, in the Valley of Taipei, Orient of Taiwan.


His service to the Grand Lodge of China commended in 1955 with his election to the office of Grand Treasurer. Each successive year found him a step higher in the Grand Lodge Line, and accepting the greater responsibilities of each station until, on October 3rd 1959, his Brethren advanced him to the highest position and station of honor that a Mason can attain, “Grand Master of Masons” in China.


Under the guidance, inspiration and influence of the MW Bro K.T. Kwo, Free Masonry in China looks forward to a prosperous and fruitful year.

1959-60 郭克悌 Keh-Ti Kwo

Keh-Ti Kwo

1959-60 PGM, GLOC


第六屆總會長   郭克悌尊兄

郭克悌尊兄,中國美生總會第六屆總會長 ,1893 年 2 月 2 日出生於中國河南,是郭全森先生和夫人的長子。

政府獎學金將我們的總會長送到普渡大學,並於 1924 年以理學學士學位畢業。

郭克悌尊兄於 1926 年 6 月 19 日與天津的張美德女士結婚。張美德女士畢業於美國Morningside College。郭克悌尊兄是一位教育家,台灣大學外語系教授。曾任北平奉天基督教青年會會長,現任台北市基督教青年會會長、華光兒童福利中心理事會主席。長子威廉目前在麻省理工學院畢業後研究。次子大偉畢業於堪薩斯大學。



回國後,他擔任天津市政府第一特區總工程師,隨後在奉天和上海擔任中國工程開發公司經理數年。 1933年任雲南昆明姚陵電燈公司副總裁,任職七年。

1945年,郭總會長受中央號召接管華北電力公司,出任第一任總裁。 1945年任滿洲電力管理局局長,遼寧省政府委員、建設專員。

1949 年,郭總會長在台灣被任命為政府擁有的台灣工業和礦業公司的董事會主席,在該職位上,他服務了五年。過去七年,他一直擔任中央恢復大陸計劃委員會委員。目前,郭總會長是南洋理工大學水利工程教授。他自 1955 年以來一直擔任該職位。

郭總會長多年來除了職業職責的諸多要求外,還抽空成為: 上海、奉天、昆明、北平扶輪社的會員;台北扶輪社前任主席,1951-1952; 1953-1959 年擔任中國、香港和澳門所有俱樂部的國際扶輪社行政顧問。 1953年起任中國紅十字會台灣分會副會長; 1951年任中國工程師學會台灣分會前會長。

郭總會長為國家做出的傑出貢獻郭被中華民國政府授予“景星勳章” 。

郭總會長於 1936 年,在中國上海的菲律賓美生總會誼廬第 106 分會提升為工師美生, 1949 年 3 月 18 日第 106 分會接受中國美生總會受證成為第 1 分會。郭總會長自由廬第 7 分會前會長,也是慈修會的成員。

1955 年,他對中國美生總會的服務受到表彰,當選為總司庫。每一年,他都在 總會職員排序上更上一層樓,並接受了每個總會職務更大的責任,直到 1959 年 10 月 3 日,兄弟們將他提升到了中國美生總會的總會長之職,這是美生兄弟所能達到的最高職位和榮譽地位。






這個扶輪鐘的正面鐫刻的文字是當時集 資購贈的社友黃家德、程樹人、牛天文、張少棠、黃在榮、霍思華、富綱侯、楊若安、白鐵珊、吳幼林、馮玉衡、錢珽、李頌陶、陳次平 及姚守中等 15 人的名字,捐贈日期是 1951 年 12 月 27 日,當時的社長應該是郭克悌 (K.T.) 先生。